

A collection of remarkable people, with summaries, maybe some less known facts and eventually links to resources, to serve as starting points to hopefully dig deeper on some.

Some maybe less know characters:

Toussaint L’Ouverture

"The Black Napoleon", who lead the most successful slave revolt in history, which resulted in the independence of Haiti.

Fascinating character, some highlights below:
- born into slavery in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) in 1743
- taught himself to read and write, which was rare for slaves at the time
- gained his freedom by 1776 and managed plantations, acquiring significant political and military power
- joined the revolution when he was nearly 50
- strategic genius: he was a masterful military strategist and tactician, often outmaneuvering European armies

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Andrew Carnegie

from humble beginnings
bobbin boy to a telegraph operator.

to industrial tycoon - revolutionized the steel industry

influential philanthropist: donated over 350 mil / over $7.8 billion (in today's dollars) to various causes

-invested in education: established over 2,500 public libraries, founded Carnegie Mellon University.

- peace advocate- funded the Peace Palace in The Hague

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Ada Lovelace

Born Augusta Ada Byron (yes daughter of that Byron) on December 10, 1815.

Mathematical prodicy and first computer programmer:
authored the first algorithm for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, making her the world's first computer programmer

Visionary Thinker: Predicted the potential of computers beyond mere calculation, envisioning their use in music, graphics, and scientific applications.

Scientific Legacy: Despite her early death at 36, her work laid foundational concepts for the field of computing, influencing future generations of computer scientists.

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I'd love to do a whole series on philosophers, some notes below:

Zeno of Citium

(c. 334 – c. 262 BCE)
he was a wealthy merchant, survived a shipwreck, lost all his fortune, wandered into a bookshop in Athens, discovered Socratic philosophy, founded stoicism.

He initially taught in a place called the Stoa Poikile, or "Painted Porch," in Athens, which gave the Stoic school its name.

He was know for his ascetic lifestyle and encouraing students to think critically.

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(c. 50 – c. 135 CE)
born a slave, gained his freedom, became a prominent Stoic teacher.

His teachings emphasized the importance of focusing on what is within our control and accepting what is not.

He never wrote any of his teachings down, all records come from the notes of his student.

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Diogenes of Sinope

(c. 412 – c. 323 BCE)
famously known for living in a large ceramic jar (often misinterpreted as a barrel) in Athens as a statement of his ascetic lifestyle.

When Alexander the Great met Diogenes and offered to grant him any wish, Diogenes famously replied, "Stand out of my sunlight," indicating his disdain for material wealth and power.

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(341 – 270 BCE
founded the school known as Epicureanism, which taught that the purpose of life was to attain happiness and tranquility through the pursuit of pleasure (understood as the absence of pain) and the cultivation of a simple, moderate life.

Epicurus placed a high value on friendship, considering it one of the greatest sources of happiness.

Contrary to the misconception that Epicureanism promotes indulgence in luxury, Epicurus advocated for simple pleasures, such as enjoying a meal with friends, engaging in philosophical discussion, and appreciating the beauty of nature.

founded his school in Athens called "The Garden," which was notable for being one of the first philosophical communities to admit women and slaves .

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(c. 360 – 415 CE)She was one of the first notable female philosophers and was the head of the Neoplatonic school in Alexandria.

She was one of the first women to make significant contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy.

Also an inventor:
- astrolabe, used for astronomical measurements, and the hydrometer, used to determine the relative density of liquids.

Strong advocate for rational thought and scientific inquiry.

She was murdered by a Christian mob, becoming a symbol of the conflict between scientific inquiry and religious fanaticism.

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And then of course notable polymaths,

DaVinci, Ben Franklin, Newton - "the last of the magicians", Aristotle, Jefferson, Goethe

aaand current figures - coming later.

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